

NON E' reato.
(AGI) Rome, 8 April - A second complaint against the premier
Silvio Berlusconi is being looked at by head prosecutor
Giovanni Ferrera in connection with the phrase "I have too much
respect for the intelligence of Italians to think that they are
such 'coglioni' that they would vote against their best
interests". The Rome prosecutor had already opened a file 45,
being one without people being investigated or any suggestion
of an offence, following the complaint made by Codacons that
referred to article 342 of the criminal code (offence caused to
a political administrative or judicial group). According an
initial consideration, the behaviour on the part of the premier
would not fall within the definition, because the electorate,
being the party on the receiving end of the offensive language,
is not contemplated by article 342. (AGI)

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